
Showing posts from March, 2023

Trekking Poles the right way!

 How to Use a Trekking Pole in the Right Way? Trekking poles are an essential tool for hikers, backpackers, and mountaineers, providing stability, balance, and support on uneven terrain. Proper use of a trekking pole can reduce fatigue, improve posture, and prevent injuries, making your outdoor adventure more enjoyable and safer. Here's how to use a trekking pole in the right way. 1.Adjust the Height of the Pole The first step is to adjust the height of the trekking pole according to your height and the terrain you will be hiking on. Most trekking poles have an adjustable length, so you can customize them to your needs. To determine the correct length, stand upright with your arm at a 90-degree angle and adjust the pole until the handle is at the same level as your wrist. 2.Hold the Pole Correctly Hold the trekking pole with a relaxed grip, wrapping your fingers around the handle and placing your thumb on top. The strap should go over your wrist and not your hand, so you can releas

Acute mountain Sickness and how it can be prevented?

  Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is a common illness that affects people who travel to high altitudes quickly without acclimatizing properly. It is caused by the reduced oxygen level in the air at high altitudes, which can lead to a range of symptoms including headaches, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. AMS can be a serious condition, and in rare cases, it can even be fatal. However, with proper planning and preparation, AMS can be prevented. 1. One of the best ways to prevent AMS is to acclimatize slowly. This means that you should spend several days at gradually increasing altitudes to allow your body to adjust to the lower oxygen levels. The general rule of thumb is to ascend no more than 1,000 feet (305 meters) per day above 8,000 feet (2,438 meters) and to take a rest day every three or four days. If you are traveling to a high-altitude destination, try to spend a few days at a lower elevation before starting your ascent. 2.  Staying well hydrated is also essential in preventing AMS

How to hike long distances?

  Hiking and trekking long distances can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it can also be physically and mentally demanding. Whether you're planning a day-long hike or a multi-day trek, there are several key steps you can take to prepare yourself for the journey ahead. 1.Start with short hikes and build up gradually If you're new to hiking or trekking, it's important to start with shorter distances and gradually build up your endurance. This will allow your body to adjust to the demands of hiking and reduce the risk of injury. You can start with a few short hikes in your local area and gradually increase the distance and difficulty level. 2.Invest in quality gear Having the right gear is essential for a successful long-distance hike or trek. Invest in quality hiking boots, a backpack that fits comfortably, and other necessary gear such as a tent, sleeping bag, and cooking supplies if you're planning a multi-day trek. Make sure your gear is lightweight and du